High Box Jumping… Friend or Foe?

High Box Jumping, High Box Jumps, Best Personal trainer in Ajax, Box Jumping, Improve my life, Irina Marchenkova Victoria, Victoria, Toronto, Ajax, Personal Trainer Pickering, Personal Trainer Whitby, Personal Trainer Oshawa, Personal Trainer, Fitness Trainer Ajax, WIO, Work it out, workitout, wowi, workout videos, Box Jumps

https://youtu.be/Pv84ys4cbf8 Jumping on to a 30" Box I just posted a video and article about high box jumps. What are high box jumps? I did a prior article on box jumping with a video demonstrating box jumps. This article is essentially the same information that is in the article related to the video. The video is a fun video that demonstrates me jumping on a high box. Seems simple, doesn't it. It is essentially the same as the box jump that I did in the previous post, but this time I am jumping 30" high. It may be simple in process, but

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Save on Personal Training- Train Three Times Per Week

Save on Personal Training, Irina Marchenkova, Victoria, Toronto, Ajax, Pickering, Whitby, Oshawa, Personal Trainer

You can save on personal training by training three times a week. This seems to go against the conventional wisdom. I have heard it so many times "I can't afford to train 3 times a week, it is too expensive. When you take a closer look at the different scenarios, you will discover that it is at least the same cost, and most likely even less expensive for you to train three times a week in comparison to once or twice a week. First of all, does it make sense to train three times a week? Some people have asked

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Training Recovery: The new fitness trend

Training Recovery, Irina Marchenkova, Fit at Forty

Training Recovery Consider adding training recovery to your workout routine. Getting out the gym, on the trail or at the track is essential to moving towards improving your health and longevity. What many people don’t realize is that spending hours lifting, running or jumping every day might actually be detrimental. Sounds counter-intuitive, doesn’t it? Rest and recovery are an essential part of making progress in your workout routine. Many experts argue that the recovery is as important than the exercise itself. There are 3 types of recovery period the first type is immediate recovery , the second part type is

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Cardio vs. High Intensity Interval Training


Cardio vs. High Intensity Interval Training for the Over 40 Crowd? I have talked much about all of the benefits to staying fit and exercising daily. There are many risks for those of us who are 40 plus that exercise can reduce. For example, you can significantly reduce your risk for diabetes, heart disease, obesity, and staying fit is good for your skin. We as humans were made to move and we stay healthier by moving. Cardio (Aerobic) Exercise Some exercise is better than no exercise. Cardio is relatively simple to do and there is no doubt that it is

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