High Box Jumping… Friend or Foe?

High Box Jumping, High Box Jumps, Best Personal trainer in Ajax, Box Jumping, Improve my life, Irina Marchenkova Victoria, Victoria, Toronto, Ajax, Personal Trainer Pickering, Personal Trainer Whitby, Personal Trainer Oshawa, Personal Trainer, Fitness Trainer Ajax, WIO, Work it out, workitout, wowi, workout videos, Box Jumps

https://youtu.be/Pv84ys4cbf8 Jumping on to a 30" Box I just posted a video and article about high box jumps. What are high box jumps? I did a prior article on box jumping with a video demonstrating box jumps. This article is essentially the same information that is in the article related to the video. The video is a fun video that demonstrates me jumping on a high box. Seems simple, doesn't it. It is essentially the same as the box jump that I did in the previous post, but this time I am jumping 30" high. It may be simple in process, but

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Make Exercise Enjoyable | Walking

Irina Marchenkova, Make Exercise Enjoyable, Walking, Fit at Forty

It is important to make exercise enjoyable and entertaining. Exercise does not have to be exhaustive, it can be as simple as talking a walk on a Saturday afternoon along the waterfront. Today, I spent a couple of hours walking along the Toronto Waterfront at an easy pace. I had a wonderful time, just enjoying the lake and the park. I thought to myself, but am I really getting any exercise without working up a sweat, or was this just for fun? To get the aerobic exercise, walking should be brisk. But even walking at an easy pace works your

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10 Ways to Commutercise on the Bus or Train (Exercise During your Commute)


Many of us spend nearly an hour going to and from work. Compare that to how much time we spend on exercise. Some of us don't spend any time exercising. So if we can use that 60 minutes effectively, we can add a daily exercise routine and use our commute time more effectively. Here are 10 ways that you can commutercise to increase your level of fitness. These are the types of exercises that don't draw attention so if you are shy or self conscious you can get away with doing most of these undetected.  1. Stand on the bus

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Exercise Anywhere “Commutercising”


“Commutercising” to make better use of your day and improve your health Many of us have busy lives and sometimes it’s difficult to get to the gym to do that 30 to 45 minute workout. The good news is that we don’t have to go to the gym to get a reasonable routine completed. We can workout by going about our daily business from home, the office or even while sitting in the car. Here are some simple tips to get that workout completed while doing simple tasks. I will be going over some of these simple workouts in my

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